Whistler Limo Service for 2015

This post is getting out a little late, but it’s 2015 and well into the ski/snowboard season at Whistler.
We’ve already done a lot of trips to Whistler this season. Below are some pictures from some recent jobs.

The pictures don’t really do the view justice, but it’s beautiful out there on the Sea to Sky highway.
If you’re not familiar with the Sea to Sky Highway, it’s an incredible scenic drive with the mountain face on one side and the water and islands on the other side. The road is very windy and used to be more dangerous with narrower lanes. When the Winter Olympics came in 2010, much of the highway between Vancouver and Whistler was greatly improved, adding lanes and safety features. Of course, it can still be quite slippery when there’s snow and ice, so it’s always wise to drive with caution.

When heading up to Whistler, all vehicles under KJ Limousine Services are well maintained and outfitted with the proper tires to ensure our customers have a safe journey.

The trip normally takes a little over 2 hours. With our complimentary 20 minute stops in the middle of the trip, it comes out to about 2 and a half hours.
We normally stop at the Tantalus Lookout point, pictured above, Shannon Falls or Squamish, depending on what the customer would like to do. Shannon falls is a good place to take group photos at the waterfall and stretch their legs. Squamish is great if they want to get something quick to eat. There isn’t any food at Tantalus, but the view of the water and islands is very nice.

This year, we’re offering out Whistler Special again. This time, we’re offering up to $100 in savings off of the regular price when the round trip is booked, depending on the vehicle.
It’s already the new year, but it’s a great time to head up to Whistler if you’re going there to do some skiing or snowboarding. Of course, we also take people who are heading up there for many of the other great amenities available.

If you haven’t seen it on the homepage already, we’re featuring our first marketing video ever created:[/cs_text]

id="" class="" style="" text_align=""]The winter season in Whistler started at the end of November 2014 and it’s currently the beginning of February 2015, so we’re about 3 months in. The season typically ends in April or May.
We’re about half way through the season now, but there’s still about 3 months and plenty of snow to enjoy on the peaks. If you’re used to taking the bus or taxi to Whistler, try us out and see what we’re all about.

If you’re going up with a group of people, the price may be very comparable to taking a bus or taxi (or possibly even cheaper), since we charge per vehicle, not per person.
With a limousine company the service and convenience is also that much better. We’ll load your ski and snowboard gear for you, we’ll pick you up at your doorstep and take you to within steps of your destination in Whistler, and on your schedule. With a bus, you’ve got to find your own transportation to the station at the time designated by the bus company.

Feel free to give us a call if you have any questions: (604) 377-1618.